"Clear Blue Sky" is a poignant tale of several Maine residents and the effects of 9/11 on them. Set in 2010/2011 it delves into each individuals lives, relationships and questions. It is a gripping moving piece that will invite you to follow a year in the life of a variety of locals and newcomers as they deal with anniversaries and memories of the tragic event.
Chris Young as Harvey Goren
Georgie Raiola as Glenn Canfield
Heather Lynn as Carol Morgan
Cristian Naranjo as Jesse Morgan
Linda Ann Vega as Phyllis Goren
Tom Levy as John Goren
Aurora Dreger as Dale Cox
Andrea Bernardo as TV Broadcaster/ Flight Attendant / Cafe Patron
Gary VanderPutten as Cafe Patron / Man At Airport
Doris Martir as Barrista / Woman at Airport
Thomas J. Kane as Maine Local / Terrorist
Ted Thompson as Maine Local / Terrorist
Bruce Karp - Playwright
Thomas N. Tyler - Director
Andrea Bernardo - Assistant Director
Alan Sporing - Lighting Designer